Project 6 – Art_620_Proj6_mystoryboard_project Storyboard Progression – Storyboard_progression_basics Storyboard Shot suggestions: Stepping Forward- From Establishing – Full – Medium – Closeup and then back again The Tease – start with prop and then character jumps in Insert Shots – abrupt cut for thematic build up Corresponding shots- sizes stay consistent , angles of camera keep relationships The…
Animation – Character Animator Body Movement
project_6_character_animator_body Notes: Making Head Turns Make sure to correctly LABEL your layers in Photoshop first. Unfortunately your Keyboard Triggers and Rigging will be lost on the original head after the change! You must have a Head Group at the top of the Hierarchy. Copy paste your main head to make different groups, named as follows.…
Animation – Character Animation and Photoshop Puppets
project_5_character_animator_puppets Use Character Animator and Photoshop to create and animate a unique character with your facial movements, voice and keyboard shortcuts. Steps: Open Character Animator (it is part of the Adobe CC 2015.5 suite) From the Welcome Screen click on NEW PUPPET WITH PHOTOSHOP This will open the Puppet in the Character Animation window and…
Illustration – Tablet Tracing & Image Tracing
Tablet Tracing and Tips Setting Up Tablet and Brush Settings in Illustrator 1. Select the Brush Tool. 2. Go to Window>Brushes 3. Double click the brush you want to use in the brushes menu, this will open the settings (the first row are calligraphic brushes and are easy to use) 4. In this options window…
Resources for Illustration Artists
This software (PC) allows you to have more control of your tablet and drawing tools. Software is not free This blog has alternatives to photoshop and illustrator Recommended sites for art students: – This site has jobs and professional work from artists, work you’ll see is mostly digital and design – Can…
Illustration – Character Design
Project – Art_620_Proj5_charactersheet_project Character Design Handout – Character Design Heads/Faces/Expressions: Drawing heads_ball_method Drawing_heads_ball_and_plane_method Drawing_heads_multiple_ball_methods Characters: Use a measuring system – 9 heads (or your own system) Think about ‘line of action’ ‘arc’ ‘movement’ and ‘silhouette’ anatomy_and_head_measurment_systems Posing_Characters_W_spongebob
Illustration – Storyboarding + Storytelling
Anatomy of a Storyboard and Basic Terminology anatomy_and_basics_of_a_storyboard star_wars_storyboard_small Storyboard_tips PROJECT 3 – Art_620_Proj3_Storyboard_Research PROJECT 4 – Art_620_Proj4_storytelling_project AFI illustrated List & Film Basics Handbook Amazing websites with tons of resources!!! – Angles and Composition and POV Great filmstills – Kubrick, Scott & more! Storytelling:…
Illustration – Scanning and PDF Instructions
Instructions for Scanning and Making PDFs on a MAC. Download the PDF below. scanning
Illustration – Project 2 – Illustrated Poem
Illustration – Week 1 – Illustration Styles & 3 Word Project
Syllabus Art_620_2016_fall_syllabus_updated Project 1 Art_620_Proj1_3words