Project- Project 8 Color and Hierarchy Color and Hierarchy are two basic things that must always be considered when creating a layout. Hierarchy -the clear structure of the the type on a page -determines what type gets read first -is a combination of size, color and placement Hierarchy- Traditional Type Sizes Display – 36-72 points…
Graphic Design 2 – Proejct 6 – Compare and Contrast Design
graphic_design_2_Project_6_compare_contrast Compare and Contrast 2 different Designers/Design Movements. Create a 4 page layout that includes your written research and visual explanations. Student Examples of Compare&Contrast Project: Bush_Compare_Spread Rosas_Graphic_Design_Compare and_Contrast Yang_Graphic_Design_History Elements/Priciples Vocabulary to use in your analysis: Elements: Line, Shape, Texture, Color, Size. Principles: Unity, Dominance, Balance Contrast, Rhythm Research links: Great Site…
Entertainment Industry – PAID Internship!
Outreach Doc HLAY 3.17.18 The Evolve Entertainment Fund A paid internship program within the entertainment industry HIRE LA’s Youth is placing work-ready young adults into paid internships within the EntertainmentIndustry which includes TV, Film, Music, Digital Media, Live Events, and Journalism. Students are eligible for a variety of positions within the industry including those at…
LOGO DESIGN! for Hollywood Sunset Free Clinic!
DUE DATE: MAY 3rd! SEEKING NEW LOGO FOR 50TH YEAR OF FREE SERVICES Hollywood Sunset Free Clinic is seeking a new logo for its 50th anniversary of free healthcare service for the uninsured and low income of the community. Hollywood Sunset Free Clinic has provided free healthcare services since 1968. Over one million individuals have…
Graphic Design 3 – Proj 4 -Using a Template – Facebook
art_606_proj_4_social_media_template Before a brand makes their brand ‘live’ on social media they usually create versions for review. Often times a template will be used because it offers flexibility for editing and brand assets can be tested. Facebook templates in Illustrator *taken from Facebook Brand website – Faceboo_Templates
Graphic Design 1 – Week 4 – Graphic Designers Current and Past
Project: 604_Project_7_Graphic_ Design_History_Project Paula Scher Maya Lin Barbara Kreuger Russian Poster Design Early 1900’s- Rodchenko, El Lissitzky –Russian Posters_and_Propoganda_Rodchenko Saul Bass – Shigeo Fukuda- Milton Glasser- Ikko Tanaka – Ray Gun Magazine – More Ray Gun – Tadanori Yokoo – Sarah Gottesdiener- Selected Movements: Art Nouveau- Arts & Crafts Movement…
Graphic Design 2 – Week 5 – 3D form
Graphic Design 3 – Project 3 – Poster & Billboard
art_606_proj_3_billboard_poster big_billboard (template) small_billboard (template)
Extra Credit Project! – Design a Flyer for a Restaurant/Museum/Temple
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness needs a new flyer promoting their cultural center and restaurant! This is a great portfolio piece! These flyers will be handed out across Southern California. 5 extra credit points to any student who completes this project. Due by end of semester. Submit in PDF format. Double Sided. 5 inches…
Animation – After Effects Basics
Art_648_Project_4_after_effects_basics Vocabulary Keyframes – Records a parameter at a specific tieme Codec – The method used to compress and decompress files. Render – Processing the layered after effects file into a playable movie file. Alpha Channel – A transparent layer that is carried with the video file. (Click on channel button underneath Preview) Project Panel…