Project: project_8_after_effects_keying_3d Vector File Keying Green Screen Footage Import Green Screen footage Use the Pen tool to make a ‘garbage matte’ to cut the space that is unneeded. *not always necessary Now go to your effects & presets panel and type KEY in the search menu and look for the ‘Key…
Graphic Design 3 – Project 10 – Branded Merchandise
Create at least three different pieces of branded merchandise for your company. These could be objects that are for sale or objects that are used in your shipping or packaging. Merchandise Ideas: Business Card T-Shirt Merchandise Bag Shipping Box Employee Uniform Cups/Mugs Cell Phone Cases Car Wrap (Large sticker placed on a vehicle) Requirements: 3…
Graphic Design 3 – Project 9 – Website Design
Animation- After Effects – Motion Tracking, Nulls and Camera Tracking
AfterEffects_Project_9_Motion_Camera_Track ***for all the examples today keep your footage short and low res! motorcycle video is free here Motion Tracking & Nulls Find some footage that has some motion you want to track. Create a new null layer – we will use this to store the position and rotation Go to window> tracker Click…
Tech Internships in LA!!! Great Opportunity!!!
Great opportunity for Summer Internships with tech companies! Like Apple Betas, Youtube, Robotics & VR! This is the perfect way to get yourself known and network in the industries you are interested in. DEADLINE is May 18th PDF flyer with info here: Internship-Flyer_Updated Link to apply here Internship Partners and details here
Graphic Design 3 – Project 8 App Animated
Art_606_Project_7_app_animated Animate a User Interaction from your App. The animation should show a reaction to a user’s input (touch, voice, movement, gps, etc) to your UI (user interface). Use Photoshop’s Video Timeline to create a short animation (3 seconds minimum) Use the screens you designed in Project 6 and create a layered file that will…
Graphic Design 2 – Project 10 – Public Service Announcement
605_Project_10_PSA PSA examples A Public Service Announcement is used to promote and idea that will serve the public: Health Issue Safety Issue Family Issue Education Issue Social Issue Political Issue and more! Get some more inspiration here:
Sketchup Download!
Sketchup is no longer making new version of MAKE (their free software) so we must use this link to find/download the last version, follow this link and donwnload Sketchup Make 2017
Graphic Design 1- Week 8 – Font Design
Project 11 Font Project Installing fonts on Mac – once you have your .ttf file, right click and open with FONT BOOK and then press INSTALL FONT Installing fonts on PC – drop your .ttf file in this folder Computer>System (C)>Program Files> Adobe>Adobe Illustrator CC 2017>Support Files>Required>Fonts web based font makers: for thinner font…
Animation – After Effects – 3D Layers & Nulls
Project: Project_8_Nulls_3d Null Objects – Controlling Null Objects are layers that can be used to easily control other layers. *They can also be used for tracking which we will cover soon Create a New Comp Create Four Stars Make each of them Rotate If we wanted to Scale them all we could select the layers…