For this assignment we will use PHOTOSHOP to make a GIF.

We will create a Face Animation using FRAMES.

New File > WEB > 500 x 500 > UNCHECK Artboards

Add an empty Layer above the Background Layer
Use the Brush Tool, choose Black and draw a Oval shape and a neck. Lock and label this layer as Face Background.
Add another empty layer and draw 2 eyebrows. Lock and label this layer as Eyebrows.
Add another empty layer and draw 2 eyes. Lock and label this layer as Eyes.

Add another empty layer, in this layer draw a mouth shape, Start with a smile shape. Lock and label this layer as Mouth 1.
Repeat these steps, slowly changing the mouth shape, each time you change the mouth shape Lock and label it.
You should have at least 5 mouth shapes.


Now go to Window> Timeline.
Carefully in Window Timeline, choose Create Frame Animation
Carefully, use the Eyes on each layer to choose your first Mouth layer.
*You may also choose to move the Eyes and Eyebrows in each frame.
Add another Frame by pressing the PLUS Button and repeat the process.
Be careful because the FRAMES are now connected to the layers.
When you are done, change the TIME setting underneath the FRAME to .2 seconds or .5 seconds, experiment!

When you are done File > Export> Save for Web Legacy > Choose GIF 64 NO DITHER from the menu in the top right.
Make sure the LOOPING OPTIONS are set to forever.

Save as YOURNAME_Face_Animation.GIF

Upload the file here

