Collect your 9 projects from this semester into a Portfolio PDF. Update, correct and make them look PERFECT! our FINAL Class is June 4th 10:15-12:15 605_final_update
Graphic Design 2 – Project 11 – Artist Lecture Poster
Create a new design for our Artist Lecture Series Use this indesign file. Lecture_Series_Semester_Poster_2018.indd There are two sizes 11x 17 and Instagram 1000x1000pixels. Redesign the poster to say FALL 2018 You can keep the names/dates the same Keep the LACC LOGO Keep the LACC VAMA LOGO Use AVENIR – BLACK Click here to download fonts…
Graphic Design 2 – Project 10 – Public Service Announcement
605_Project_10_PSA PSA examples A Public Service Announcement is used to promote and idea that will serve the public: Health Issue Safety Issue Family Issue Education Issue Social Issue Political Issue and more! Get some more inspiration here:
Graphic Design 2 – Project 9 – Map Project
Project: Proj_9_Map_Project Create a Map of a -Neighborhood -A City -Important Attractions & Landmarks -Theme Park -School -Public Park -Country Your map should have -a unique color palette -informative graphics -legible type -additional call outs & menus as necessary -a title to your map Methods Take a screenshot from google maps. Trace the elements with…
Graphic Design 2 – Project 8- Light Project
Project 8 Light Project Photoshop Lighting Effect – Illustrator Neon Lighting – Reference image:
Graphic Design 2 – Midterm
PROJECT – Art_605_midterm_2018 REVISE ALL YOUR PROJECTS!!! Make them perfect 🙂 Indesign Notes: Command + B = Text Frame Options Command + Shift + Click = Unlock Master Element Consider using ‘Mock-ups’ to present your work. It will make the work look professional! Free mockup sites *requires that you create an account, its worth…
Graphic Design 2 – Proejct 6 – Compare and Contrast Design
graphic_design_2_Project_6_compare_contrast Compare and Contrast 2 different Designers/Design Movements. Create a 4 page layout that includes your written research and visual explanations. Student Examples of Compare&Contrast Project: Bush_Compare_Spread Rosas_Graphic_Design_Compare and_Contrast Yang_Graphic_Design_History Elements/Priciples Vocabulary to use in your analysis: Elements: Line, Shape, Texture, Color, Size. Principles: Unity, Dominance, Balance Contrast, Rhythm Research links: Great Site…
Graphic Design 2 – Week 5 – 3D form
Graphic Design 2 – Week 4 – Shape
Project- 605_project_4_shape_project Experiment with the way shape can be used to manipulate type and image. Experiment with perspective, distortions, collages and compositing. Illustrator Type Manipulation Perspective- Envelope Distort- Photoshop Type and Image Manipulation Warp- Puppet Warp- Vanishing Point- Displace- Files to use for class practice:
Graphic Design 2 – Week 3 – Line
PROJECT: Proj_3_Line_Project Photoshop – Mixer Brush Illustrator- Art Brush Illustrator- Pattern Brush Wacom Settings Add ‘Pen Pressure’ to Shape Dynamics + Transfer Control+Option+Click&Drag Left or Right= Adjust Size Control+Option+Click&Drag Up or Down= Adjust Hardness Opacity vs Flow Press 5 to change Opacity to 50%. When you paint and RELEASE and then paint AGAIN you will…