In this course you will be asked to develop a new idea for one of the following:
Video Game
Non-profit Organization
To help you come up with an idea, answer the following questions in a GOOGLE DOC:
1. Is there something (a tool, an object, a service) that you wish existed? Have you ever thought: I wish i had this thing!
2. What is one of your favorite activities? Is there something that could help you with that activity? Could it be an app? Could it be a physical object? A service to help you?
3. What is something you don’t like doing? Is there something that could help you with that activity? Could it be an app? Could it be a physical object? A service to help you?
4. Is there a company/brand that inspires you? Is there something that you want to work in after high school? Do you have a dream career?
5. Do any of your family members or friends have a business or company that you could help out with?
6. Is there a world issue (environment, animals, homelessness, etc) that you wish you could help with?
7. Do you have a favorite video game or youtube show? Is there a way you could add, innovate or change that game/show to make it unique or better?
8. Look at all the questions you answered above. Now consider that you have to create a brand this semester. What are some ideas of something you can create? What sounds fun?
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